Migration from other DNS servers

Knot DNS for BIND users

Automatic DNSSEC signing

Migrating automatically signed zones from BIND to Knot DNS requires copying up-to-date zone files from BIND, importing existing private keys, and updating server configuration:

  1. To obtain current content of the zone which is being migrated, request BIND to flush the zone into the zone file: rndc flush example.com.


    If dynamic updates (DDNS) are enabled for the given zone, you might need to freeze the zone before flushing it. That can be done similarly:

    $ rndc freeze example.com
  2. Copy the fresh zone file into the zones storage directory of Knot DNS.

  3. Import all existing zone keys into the KASP database. Make sure that all the keys were imported correctly:

    $ keymgr zone key import example.com path/to/Kexample.com.+013+11111
    $ keymgr zone key import example.com path/to/Kexample.com.+013+22222
    $ ...
    $ keymgr zone key list example.com


    The server can be run under a dedicated user account, usually knot. As the server requires read-write access to the KASP database, the permissions must be set correctly. This can be achieved for instance by executing all KASP database management commands under sudo:

    $ sudo -u knot keymgr ...
  4. Follow Automatic DNSSEC signing steps to configure DNSSEC signing.