.. highlight:: console knsupdate – Dynamic DNS update utility ====================================== Synopsis -------- :program:`knsupdate` [*options*] [*filename*] Description ----------- This utility sends Dynamic DNS update messages to a DNS server. Update content is read from a file (if the parameter *filename* is given) or from the standard input. The format of updates is textual and is made up of commands. Every command is placed on the separate line of the input. Lines starting with a semicolon are comments and are not processed. Options ....... **-d** Enable debug messages. **-h**, **--help** Print the program help. **-k** *keyfile* Use the TSIG key stored in a file *keyfile* to authenticate the request. The file should contain the key in the same format, which is accepted by the **-y** option. **-p** *port* Set the port to use for connections to the server (if not explicitly specified in the update). The default is 53. **-r** *retries* The number of retries for UDP requests. The default is 3. **-t** *timeout* The total timeout (for all UDP update tries) of the update request in seconds. The default is 12. If set to zero, the timeout is infinite. **-v** Use a TCP connection. **-V**, **--version** Print the program version. **-y** [*alg*:]\ *name*:*key* Use the TSIG key with a name *name* to authenticate the request. The *alg* part specifies the algorithm (the default is hmac-sha256) and *key* specifies the shared secret encoded in Base64. Commands ........ **server** *name* [*port*] Specifies a receiving server of the dynamic update message. The *name* parameter can be either a host name or an IP address. If the *port* is not specified, the default port is used. The default port value can be controlled using the **-p** program option. **local** *address* [*port*] Specifies outgoing *address* and *port*. If no local is specified, the address and port are set by the system automatically. The default port number is 0. **zone** *name* Specifies that all updates are done within a zone *name*. If not used, the default zone is the root zone. **origin** *name* Specifies fully qualified domain name suffix which is appended to non-fqd owners in update commands. The default origin is the root zone. **class** *name* Sets *name* as the default class for all updates. If not used, the default class is IN. **ttl** *value* Sets *value* as the default TTL (in seconds). If not used, the default value is 0. **key** [*alg*:]\ *name* *key* Specifies the TSIG *key* named *name* to authenticate the request. An optional *alg* algorithm can be specified. This command has the same effect as the program option **-y**. [**prereq**] **nxdomain** *name* Adds a prerequisite for a non-existing record owned by *name*. [**prereq**] **yxdomain** *name* Adds a prerequisite for an existing record owned by *name*. [**prereq**] **nxrrset** *name* [*class*] *type* Adds a prerequisite for a non-existing record of the *type* owned by *name*. Internet *class* is expected. [**prereq**] **yxrrset** *name* [*class*] *type* [*data*] Adds a prerequisite for an existing record of the *type* owned by *name* with optional *data*. Internet *class* is expected. [**update**] **add** *name* [*ttl*] [*class*] *type* *data* Adds a request to add a new resource record into the zone. Please note that if the *name* is not fully qualified domain name, the current origin name is appended to it. [**update**] **del**\[**ete**] *name* [*ttl*] [*class*] [*type*] [*data*] Adds a request to remove all (or matching *class*, *type* or *data*) resource records from the zone. There is the same requirement for the *name* parameter as in **update add** command. The *ttl* item is ignored. **show** Displays current content of the update message. **send** Sends the current update message and cleans the list of updates. **answer** Displays the last answer from the server. **debug** Enable debugging. This command has the same meaning as the **-d** program option. **quit** Quit the program. Notes ----- Options **-k** and **-y** can not be used simultaneously. Dnssec-keygen keyfile format is not supported. Use :manpage:`keymgr(8)` instead. Zone name/server guessing is not supported if the zone name/server is not specified. Empty line doesn't send the update. Exit values ----------- Exit status of 0 means successful operation. Any other exit status indicates an error. Examples -------- 1. Send one update of the zone example.com to the server The update contains two new records:: $ knsupdate > server > zone example.com. > origin example.com. > ttl 3600 > add test1.example.com. 7200 A > add test2 TXT "hello" > show > send > answer > quit See Also -------- :manpage:`kdig(1)`, :manpage:`khost(1)`, :manpage:`keymgr(8)`.